Freedom & Safety
You can safely wander alone on the beautiful trails surrounding Bodhi Khaya without fear of interruption. Wild baboon troops are shy of humans and will move off after making loud warning calls to the rest of the troop. While we are without incident, we ask you to be conscientious about securing possessions and taking normal precautions while exploring the inviting wilderness.
At the foot of the Witkrans Mountain in the Overberg region, on the Southern tip of Africa, Bodhi Khaya Nature Retreat is in one of the most diverse biospheres in the world – one of only seven floral kingdoms on the planet. Surrounded by indigenous Fynbos and ancient Milkwood forests it is a special place to reconnect to ancient wisdom and the healing power of nature.
As an active member of the Walker Bay Fynbos Conservancy, Bodhi Khaya plays its part in protecting over 9000 species of plant life as well as huge varieties of animal life including the cape otter, honey badger, porcupine, baboon, bushbuck and the elusive cape leopard to name but a few. Naturally there follows a huge diversity of bird life too, with various sunbirds frequenting the proteas and the Rameron Pigeon, Cape Batis, African Paradise Flycatcher and Barn Owl, recorded in the area.